Military Science

Advanced Placement

Financial Aid

Army ROTC Scholarships

Army ROTC scholarships are offered for two, three, and four years. The two- and three-year scholarships are awarded competitively to students who are enrolled in college. Recipients of these scholarships may be cross-enrolled at Butler University, Marian College, Franklin College, IU-Kokomo, or the University of Indianapolis.

Applications for two- and three-year scholarships are available from the professor of military science and must be submitted no later than March 1 for the following fall semester. Recipients will be notified prior to the end of the spring semester.

The host ROTC unit awards scholarships based upon quotas allocated by Cadet Command. The three-year and four year Advanced Designee scholarships are awarded to U.S. citizens who will be entering college as freshmen. Scholarship winners must enroll at the institution (or partnership school) that awarded them the scholarship. For more information on scholarship availability and selection deadlines, contact the Department of Military Science.

Three-year Advanced Designee scholarships are awarded in a manner similar to the four-year scholarships, except that the benefits commence with the student’s sophomore year if the student continues to meet eligibility requirements.

The value of the tuition/fee portion of the scholarship depends on the amount charged by the institution attended. Students may receive full compensation for tuition and fees; however, students may also receive lesser scholarships. In addition to tuition and fees, scholarship recipients receive $1200 per year for books, and a subsistence allowance of $300–$500 per month, depending on academic level, while school is in session.

Fee Scholarship

All freshmen and sophomores taking the Basic Course do not have to pay tuition for G101, G102, G201, or G202, since these courses are eligible for university fee scholarship. Note: The student must pay for G120, G121, G310, G302, G401, G402, E130, and E230 to receive academic credit.


All books, supplies, and materials needed in the Basic Course are supplied to the student by the Department of Military Science free of charge.

Subsistence Allowance

Each Advanced Course student and three- and four-year scholarship recipient receives a tax-free allowance of at least $450 per month up to 10 months per year. Additionally, students are paid approximately $900 for each summer training camp they attend.

Student Employment

The department manages a limited amount of student employment. Students may apply for part-time employment. Student employees are paid on an hourly basis.