Professional Optometry Degree Program (OD)

Academic Standing

The intent of the School of Optometry is that professional students be able to graduate after four years of instruction. In some cases, six years can be considered. Although primary responsibility rests with the student, the school will work to help all students maintain good academic standing and will seek out and attempt to provide remedial help for students who are having academic difficulties.

Good Academic Standing

The minimum standard for academic good standing is a semester and cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.50.


Academic probation results when any course grade is below a C, or if the semester or cumulative grade point average is below a 2.5. Continuation in the program requires approval by the Academic Review Committee.

Course Repeat

A course grade of C- or below is considered to be unacceptable and the course must be repeated.  If a student does receive an unacceptable grade requiring that the course be repeated the following year, the student must restart that semester the following year and repeat all courses for that semester in which a grade of C+ or below was received.  

Academic Review

Students on probation will be evaluated by the Academic Review Committee to determine whether they can continue in the program. In many cases, the Academic Review Committee will make recommendations about help and remedial work that will make it possible for the student to achieve better academic performance. In some cases probation could result in dismissal.

Clinical Competence

At the end of the second year, students are required to pass a competency examination in preparation for the course V 680 Introduction to Clinic. A student who fails the competency examination must complete remediation and take the examination again. If the student fails any part of the competency twice, the student will not receive a passing grade for the course, will not be permitted to enter clinic and must repeat V 654.  A student who does not ultimately pass the  competency exam will be ineligible to continue.


If a student receives a grade of less than a C in any third- or fourth-year clinic rotation, the student must enroll in and complete with a grade of C or better V 780 Clinical Skills Enhancement (third-year clinic remediation) or V 880 Clinical Skills Enhancement (fourth-year clinic remediation) prior to continuation of the third- or fourth-year clinic rotation.

A student who fails to complete V 780 or V 880 with a grade of C or better will be ineligible to continue.

If an intern is unable to continue with a clinical rotation for academic, clinical performance reasons and/or professional misconduct, the grade of F will be assigned, and the intern will be ineligible to continue.

Policies and procedures are explained in detail in the most recent Indiana University School of Optometry Eye Care Centers Student Orientation Manual (password required).

In addition to possible dismissal following Academic Review, dismissal can occur if:

  • the student earns lower than a 1.00 GPA for any semester, regardless of cumulative GPA
  • the student earns both lower than a 2.50 GPA in a semester and a recommendation by the Academic Review Committee
  • the student has failed to complete V780 or V880 with a grade of C or higher
  • the student has failed the clinical competency examination two times and recommendation by the Academic Review Committee.
  • the student fails a clinical course after remediation; clinical courses are V 680, V 786, V 787, V 788, V 789, V 885, V 887, V 888
  • the student has received a grade of F for a rotation during the fourth year
Academic Misconduct

Academic integrity is fundamental to the intellectual life of the university and to the education of each student. The following acts of academic dishonesty are prohibited: cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, interference, and facilitating academic dishonesty. Proven academic misconduct is grounds for dismissal.

Honor Code

In 2013 the IUSO faculty and students adopted an Honor Code.  Annually, during incoming student Orientation, students will review and receive instruction on applying and adhering to the Honor Code

Professional Misconduct

Maintaining standards of professional conduct is essential to the integrity of the profession. Professional misconduct is strictly prohibited. This includes dishonest conduct (including, but not limited to, false accusation of misconduct; forgery; alteration or misuse of any university document, record, or identification; and giving to a university official any information known to be false) and use or possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs on university property or during a university activity.

In addition, fraud and patient endangerment and abandonment will be grounds for dismissal. Standards for patient care procedures and for professional behavior in a clinical setting are detailed in the most recent Indiana University School of Optometry Eye Care Centers Student Orientation Manual.

Additional rules and regulations of the university are available in the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct published by Indiana University. It is each student’s responsibility to be aware of these regulations. Violation of the Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct may result in dismissal.

Academic Fairness Committee

The charge of the committee is to consider, arbitrate, and adjudicate grading disputes in cases of procedural errors and in cases where evaluation on nonacademic grounds is alleged.

The Academic Fairness Committee is composed of three students and three faculty members, chosen by the dean of the School of Optometry.

Issues dealing with substantive quality of the student’s academic performance and involving intrinsic, professional, academic judgments by a faculty member lie outside the Committee’s jurisdiction.

Academic Bulletins

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